Team Run Free
This is Kevin Hircock of Team Run Free and T.J. Denham.
The Dallas County Foundation awarded Team Run Free grant funds which allowed them to purchase a custom made running cart to allow for bigger people to run with them.
“TJ has been very busy. We have caregivers now, and there are a couple who are his age. When they are here, we don’t see much of them because they are on the go. It has been so good for him. He has also started participating in 5Ks, much to my surprise. I did not think he would enjoy that, but he wants to go every time there is an opportunity. He runs with a nonprofit team called Team Run Free whose runners push special needs in carts. It has been a wonderful, fun thing for him to do. They purchased another bigger cart for him because he is so long. I call it Big Red. I attached a picture of the Boy Scout race out in Waukee a couple of weeks ago.” – Kelly Denham

Kevin Hircock with T.J. Denham at the Boy Scout Race in Waukee.