Our goal was to acquire a custom built run cart. This would allow us to run with taller and older Captains (riders) who were too big to comfortably fit in our standard run carts. Additionally, the custom cart is better suited for distance running and would allow us to take part in races longer than 5K distances. We took part in 16 races and numerous fun runs and training runs in 2017. Many runs were in Dallas County, and several others were in the Des Moines area. Our custom cart, Big Red, was used in 6 or 7 of these races, and most of the other outings. A highlight was having 4 carts (including Big Red) and 7 runners at the Adel Sweet Corn Festival 5K race in August. We do love running locally, and are looking for ways to increase that in 2018.

Visually and logistically, it was obvious that some Captains were too tall for the standard carts. Much online research was done, and I spoke with various vendors by phone and in person. The info narrowed down our match to one specific custom cart which matched our requirements for rider size and comfort. Additionally, it had a proven record in distance races.
In our research we saw that some carts were much heavier and bigger.
That brought some small ride advantages, but at the cost of weight and pushing difficulty for heavier Captains.
There are not a lot of manufacturers who produce these larger carts, but there is a large difference in functionality, comfort and ease of use.
We were able to add some custom padding to boost the ride comfort and fit for our Captains. Additionally, these padding items help us meet specific needs for the physical disabilities of some Captains.
We used the custom cart in several 5K races with great success and without incident. However, 2 weeks prior to the IMT Des Moines half marathon race, a training run revealed that some spokes were loose. A local bike shop donated their services to correct this, and they verified that the cart was in top condition. We went on to run the half marathon and the cart met (and exceeded) our hopes and expectations.
Team RunFree experienced growth in 2017 (our 2nd year as a nonprofit), and we limited it so we can improve our organizational plans to keep up with the demands and scheduling.
We will allow more growth in 2018 for both our Captains (riders) and Navigators (runners).
We will continue to provide our running and race entry at no cost to the families we serve.
We now have 5 standard carts and 2 custom carts. Our plan is to match these resources with our 2018 races in a way that will not require additional carts. We will evaluate during the season and see if that will hold, or if we need to add more carts and team members.
As a 100% volunteer driven organization which is dependent upon donations, we love to recognize those who help us reach our goals. In 2017, we gave Facebook recognition to the Dallas County Foundation for making this dream a reality. This was mentioned on various occasions. Additionally, I noted it on my own Facebook page, and I frequently tell others how we were able to acquire the custom cart. As we end our 2017 season and work towards our 2018 goals, we will again recognize the Dallas County Foundation for their generosity and support.
Kevin Hircock
Team RunFree
(515) 238-6121