Project »
2012 – Twenty-one projects received funding for a total of $91,300:
2012 – Twenty-one projects received funding for a total of $91,300:
Grants Awarded
- ADM Community Schools-Adel: $5,000
Purchase Biomedical Sciences Microscopes and EKG Sensor Devices
- ADM Fine Arts-Adel: $5,000
Purchase risers and sound shell
- American Legion Post 464-Adel: $5,000
Update restrooms to handicap accessible
- Dallas County Library Association-Dexter: $5,740
Digitize Publications and create searchable data
- Brenton Arboretum-Dallas Center: $2,800
Purchase portable microphone and lectern
- Dallas Center Parks and Rec-Dallas Center: $5,000
Purchase handicap playground equipment
- Dallas County Sheriff’s Office Benevolent Association Adel : $2,664
Purchase laptop and computer software
- Dallas County Conservation-Perry: $20,000
Construct 33 mile Raccoon River Valley Trail 3rd and final pledge
- DeSoto United Methodist Church-DeSoto: $2,500
Generator for Community Storm Shelter
- City of Granger Parks and Rec – Granger: $2,000
Construct cement pads, bleachers, benches at ball park
- City of Minburn, Public Library-Minburn: $2,040
Purchase panels and steel shelving
- Perry Lutheran Home-Perry: $4,500
Construct outdoor deck
- St. Patrick’s Catholic School-Perry: $4,000
Purchase 30 Netbooks and 40 iPads for use by students
- Van Meter Methodist Church-Van Meter: $4,500
Purchase trailer and camping equipment
- City of Waukee, Fire Department-Waukee: $3,650
Purchase Optical Preemption light for two Abulances
- City of Waukee Public Librar-Waukee: $2,000
Purchase biography and memoir selections as replacements
- City of Woodward, Social Center-Woodward: $2,500
Building repairs, front door, furnace, awning
- Envision Woodward-Woodward: $2,100
Phase 4, purchase park benches, picnic tables, landscaping