The Perry Lutheran Home held a ribbon cutting and Blessings ceremony for their Acorns & Oaks Intergenerational Christian daycare, Friday, July 28th.
Nearly a hundred people attended the ceremonies.
Community support for the new Daycare has been overwhelming.
Perry Luteran Home is a 2017 Dallas County Foundation Grant recipient.
“We are extremely blessed to be located in a supportive community like Perry, Iowa. The impact of this Christ-Centered, Intergenerational mission is something far beyond what we can imagine. On behalf of everyone at Perry Lutheran Home, I would like to express our thanks and gratitude to the many partners including the Dallas County Foundation, the Bock Foundation, Iowa District West, the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League, and the members of Christ Lutheran Church in Bouton, along with many individuals who helped to make the daycare space what it is today and help bring this dream to fruition,” expresses Rev. Max Phillips, Chief Executive Officer of Perry Lutheran Home… read more

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