Perry Public Library Dallas County Grant Follow Up

Perry Public LibraryPerry Public Library was the recipient of a Dallas County Grant that they used to purchase new LED lighting.

According to Mary Murphy, they “had two goals: 1) to decrease the library’s electrical usage and subsequently, its electric bill and 2) to make the library more ‘green’ in its electrical usage”. This benefits our community by using less taxpayer resources and less energy resources.

An additional benefit of switching from fluorescent to LED light buls was that our patrons enjoy more illumination than before—similar to sunlight outdoors.”


Adm Soccer Club Expands With Dallas County Grant Funds

ADM Soccer Club logoThe number of soccer players had exceeded the ADM Soccer Club’s capacity for space and goals, so the extra goals they purchased with the Dallas County grant funds allowed them to criss-cross the fields and make multiple fields utilizing the same space.

They were able to expand their fall tournament to allow more teams than previous years. Coaches and parents were pleased that they could accommodate more practice times!