Q. We see in the grant overview and instructions that you do not fund religious institutions. We are interested in undertaking a project that addresses a significant need in our community. Would you consider a grant application from us?

A. We have funded churches who are involved with a project that would benefit the entire community. An example of this is a church that undertook a project to supply a backpack and school supplies to all students in the school in their community. The church had many other partners in the community who support this project with dollars and volunteer hours.

Q. We are an organization that does not have a 501c3, 5 or 6 or 170b federal income tax designation, but we have an idea for a project that would benefit our community. What does it mean to affiliate with another entity that has this designation? Who might that be?

A. To affiliate with another organization that has a federal tax designation as a 501c 3, 5 or 6 or 170b means to ask this organization if they are willing to receive the funds and pay the bills for your project. Many times there are foundations that would agree to manage your funds for you. Units of government such as city and county governments and schools have a 170b designation. Often these entities are willing to act as a fiscal agent, if they see that your project will benefit their community.

Q. We are a new organization and have just received confirmation that we have been designated as a 501c3 charitable organization. We need funds to hire someone to help us get organized and develop a website . Would you fund this?

A. No. We do not approve grants for organization start ups or for salaries or wages of individuals. We also do not fund items consumable items such as food or diapers. We do not fund stipends, lodging or travel.