Forest Park Museum at the One Room School House in Perry Iowa.
The Museum is a 2017 Grant Recipient from the Dallas County Foundation (DCF) for recording the histories of those attending and teaching.
Their have been numerous field trips to the school this fall – as evidenced by many Dallas County town names on the school buses in the parking lot.
There have also been additional funds donated to the group of teachers working on this project.
DCF approved $3,630.47 from Grow Greene County grant monies to the Nu Alpha Gamma Chapter for recording those living Dallas County one room school teachers in the area.

Taping in Alton of One Room School Teachers
Not only the teachers, but they have been able to interview students of the Alton school. In the process, the retired teachers have cleaned, painted and provided chalk boards and chalk to the visiting school kids.
They are working on the plaque to recognize the improvements.